I totally stole that title from a friend's button she got at a rally. It's not my intention to get politcal here, because political views are like opinions are like...you know...everyone's got one. But I just have to say that having Barack Obama as our next president really feels like a dream come true to an airy fairy tree hugger like me. All of the ideals that the New Age movement supports and encourages; things like Peace, Universal Love, Unity, Personal Responsibility, Random Acts of Kindness, and the like...all of these concepts feel a lot more real and tangible to me now. Everybody's heard about 2012 and the conjecture of what may or may not happen then. I've always heard that a shift in global consciousness was what was to happen. That doesn't seem like such a woo-woo concept to me anymore. I can really see how, as human beings, the majority of us could have a common purpose or desire. I can see how that purpose or desire could be made manifest once we reach a critical mass. I can see how Barack Obama could be a catalyst to really get Americans thinking about Peace, Universal Love, Unity, Personal Responsibility, Random Acts of Kindness, and the like and acting those concepts out. And I can then see that a majority (not all, but a majority...just 51%) of the world following suit. When I watched Barack Obama's acceptance speech on Tuesday night I wept. As sappy as it sounds, it's true. I wasn't bawling or sobbing, just weeping. I was so relieved and proud and grateful and happy and moved by Obama's words. I was weeping for the enormity of what lays before him, for the opportunity that awaits all of us. We are on the brink of a quantum shift in human thinking, feeling, doing and at last, all the woo woo seems a lot more likely.
I used to be kind of scared to have brought a child into the world. I don't like it when she gets a skinned knee and the thought of sending her out into the world as I had seen it was terrifying at times. I feel better now. I suppose there will always be elements of danger out there, but at least now we are moving in a direction that is hopeful. At least now, the future looks a lot brighter than it did 2 years ago. We all have a chance to see ourselves, our country and our world in a whole new way, a better way. Obama has 2 young daughters too and I bet he's not planning on sucking up all the world's resources and leaving a wasteland for them.
When I look out my window nothing has changed. My view is the same as it's always been. But inside, I know I'm seeing something new.
I used to be kind of scared to have brought a child into the world. I don't like it when she gets a skinned knee and the thought of sending her out into the world as I had seen it was terrifying at times. I feel better now. I suppose there will always be elements of danger out there, but at least now we are moving in a direction that is hopeful. At least now, the future looks a lot brighter than it did 2 years ago. We all have a chance to see ourselves, our country and our world in a whole new way, a better way. Obama has 2 young daughters too and I bet he's not planning on sucking up all the world's resources and leaving a wasteland for them.
When I look out my window nothing has changed. My view is the same as it's always been. But inside, I know I'm seeing something new.
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