So last week I found myself captivated by the color of the fall leaves on the money tree, as I am every year. Her leaves are always some dazzling shade of gold. Then through some process of thought I rambled through "gold....money....abundance - I have a money tree!" That's the simplistic version anyway. She's dressed in green in the spring and Summer, green like our American paper money. In Autumn, she's all gold (like what our American money used to be backed by.) She has an abundance of leaves 3/4 of the year, she bears fruit. When I look up at her she stands with her arms outstretched, accepting and embracing everything. She has withstood harsh weather, persevering and growing more mighty with each passing year. She's the first to welcome me when I come home and the last to bid me farewell when I leave. She's a reminder of all I can be, do and have. Get it? She's my money tree.
Don't let my "money" title fool you, she's more that just a representation of cash. She is a reminder that I am always loved, provided for, protected and can go as far in life as I choose to...there are no limits. It's hard to sum all those things up in one word or short phrase and I kinda like the idea of having a money tree anyway.
I bet you have a money tree of your own somewhere. Some of you are already nodding your heads in acknowledgement. For those of you yet to discover your money tree, I invite you to go out and look for it. If you have a yard, start there. If no yard of your own then look in your neighborhood, local park, places you go to regularly. When you find your money tree, give him or her a hug.

Money tree, abundance tree, health tree, love tree, healing tree...they all live with me on this property. I hug them on a regular basis..haven't gotten around to hugging all 6 acres of them, but I'm working on it. Here is a picture of Steven in the Grandmother sycamore tree.