"I understand the desire to have this one person. When I was starting out - in my early 30's! - I was much the same way, so I'm speaking from experience. Doing love spells on one particular person is a bad idea, here's why. First, put yourself in your intended's shoes. Would you really want someone to attempt to manipulate you or try to take away your free will? What if it were the garbage man (not that there's anything inherently wrong with garbage men - no hate mail!) who was madly in love with you and wanted you for his own? Or a creepy co-worker? Or Johnny Depp...ok that's a bad example. Anyway, you get my point. So you seem like a nice, normal person. Not Glenn Close-ish at all. Do you really want to be that person who is so desperate that she (or he) has to resort to magic to get (or keep) a man (or woman?) [I'm feeling a little CC again - see an earlier post for explanation.] Second, we don't ever really know anyone, not completely. So you might be thinking this person you're so crazy about is the cat's meow (yes, I say that) but he could be a chronic nose-picker or a momma's boy or a serial killer. You just don't know. Sure he's cute or great in bed or has a gazillion dollars but is that really compensation for the fact that he's gonna molest your kids? An extreme example, I know. My point is...you just don't know. Third, this is one of those instances where you have to trust. You have to trust that God, the Universe, Allah, your Higher Self, whatever, knows what's really right for you and is doing it's best to get you to that person. The thing is, you keep fucking it up with these love spells on the one you've picked out. There are infinite possibilities, there could be someone better for you than the one you've picked out. It's possible. There could be many better someones. But you have closed the door on infinite and narrowed it down to one. Think about that...infinite possibilities or one. Are you really so fuck-all arrogant and wise that you know that there is no one that could love you more, treat you better, share more with you than this one person?" (Deliberate pause to let the person stew.)
"So, that being said...do you still want to do the love spell?" (If they say no here I give them the name of a good therapist and send them on their way - kidding! Ok maybe not.)
If they say yes then I continue on....
"Back to the infinite choices thing. I can help you with a generic love spell, meaning it will draw to you the perfect person for you right now. If you want a love spell to "get" a specific person you're gonna have to research it yourself. I'm gonna say just one more thing and then we'll get on with it. If you do the love spell on Mr. Right Now and it works, at some point you're going to wonder if he's with you because he really loves you or because you did that stupid spell. You're gonna mind-fuck yourself six ways from Tuesday and then most likely sabotage the relationship OR spend the rest of your life working spells on this poor schlump "just in case." Ok, I'm done. Here's the generic spell."
Come To Me

Take one Come To Me jar candle and add Come To Me oil to it. Then add three love-drawing herbs such as damiana, cubeb berries and catnip (there are many love-drawing herbs.) This is called dressing a candle. Be sure not to add so much stuff that you create a fire hazard. Then wrap your hands around the candle and think your thoughts into it. Visualizing yourself happy and in love, experiencing the feelings of being loved and loving another. Really get into it, except have your intended have the fuzzy (pixilated?) face from "Cops." Once you have done that you knock on the side of the glass to seal in the energy and then light your candle. For best results, keep the candle lit, don't put it out. If you're weirded out by having a lit candle in your home when you're not around then put it in your bathtub or kitchen sink when you're away.
This is a simple, basic attraction spell. You can get much more elaborate if you choose. If you really aren't the creative type, we can make candles like this for you at the shop. Hell, we can even burn them for you at the shop.
And finally (my college English professor is spinning in her grave because I started a sentence with "and". Ha - take THAT you life-sucking academic cow!) [I like cows, no hate mail please.] know that there is no judgment on my part for what you do in your private life. I've been there and learned my own lessons. So will you. All I can do is speak of what I have taken away from my experiences.
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